A Mental Health Guide For Sailing Through The Second Wave
We were slowly and gradually moving closer to our normal lives when our country was hit by the devastating second wave of the covid-19 virus. This time around, we knew what it held, it wasn’t fear of the unknown anymore, it was grief, isolation, helplessness, and stagnation. The intensity of our negative emotions has been considerably greater.
As the world gets smaller, with access to social media and global news, we have become more susceptible to negative emotions. Through Emotional contagion, a tendency of individuals to ‘catch’ the emotions that others are experiencing, the world has witnessed enormous waves of panic.
According to studies, fear has been the most dominant emotion felt by people during this time and continues to manifest in our thoughts, through questions like :
“What if I test positive?”
“What if I lose my loved ones?”
“What if we need to rush to the hospital?”
“What if my oxygen level drops?”
“Am I being productive enough?”
“Will I be able to get through this?”
“Why am I feeling like this?”
“Nothing is making sense”
If any of these dialogues have been ‘on repeat in your head, you’re not alone. We’ve all been through a barrage of emotions these past two months and are presently experiencing collective sadness, fear, frustration, and anxiety.
“It is important to initiate conversations about how we felt and the emotions that troubled
us. Talking about our emotions can help lighten the burden.
We need to validate our emotions and recognize that what we are feeling is “normal”,
considering the given situation. The various emotions that we are feeling, come under
the “normal” human reaction to distress.
In order to heal, we need to label our emotions and learn what it is that we need
to work upon. After all, we need to first assess where the wound lies before we
begin to bandage it.

The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on our mental health. If you have experienced any of the following emotions: Fear, Guilt, Grief, Stagnation, Shock, or Denial, then this guide is for you.
Our team has curated this mental health toolkit with the sole purpose of helping you manage your emotions during these turbulent times.
If you like this guide and find it to be useful, do share it with others.
Who is this guide for?
How will this guide help you?
We have designed a step-wise guide that will help you every step of the way as you try to manage your emotions. We have listed various practical techniques that you can use and apply to your life during your journey of emotional management.
Each recommended tip is psychologically approved.
Direction for Use
Step 1: Take time to reflect on the emotions you’ve been experiencing recently.
Step 2: Quantify them by rating their intensity on a scale of 1-10.
Step 3: With the help of the index at the beginning of this guide, locate the emotion that you’ve been experiencing the most.
Step 4: Read about them thoroughly in order to develop awareness
Step 5: Apply and practice the techniques mentioned.
Step 6: Re-rate the intensity of your emotions to assess any improvement.
Disclaimer: This guide is purely meant for self-management and is not meant to act as a substitute for any psychiatric or psychological treatment.
Expand your Emotional Vocabulary- Identify & Learn Emotional Management
Which one of these emotions do you experience more often?

Learn to Measure The Severity of The Emotions You Are Experiencing
Rate the intensity of your emotion on a scale of 1-10

If you rate your intensity of emotions between 8- 10 consistently for more than 2 weeks then consider seeking therapy.
To Conclude
As you begin to pick up the pieces, it is important to gently remind yourself that you are doing the best that you can and that everyone takes their own time to heal, at their own unique pace. Take a compassionate approach as you try to practice the tips that you just read and revisit this PDF from time to time. Also, if things get too overwhelming, consider seeking therapy.
Just like we don’t hesitate to call the mechanic when our car isn’t working right, we shouldn't hold back from seeking therapy for our mental health. After all, asking for help is a sign of courage.
Thank you for taking out time to read this guide. If you found it to be useful, please share it with someone who could benefit from this guide.
Special Service For Frontline Workers
To recognize the courage, hard work, sacrifice, and invaluable contribution of our front liners, HappeeMindz has decided to step up and offer *free* therapy to frontline workers who are working 24/7 to help India battle the covid-19 crisis.
If you know a frontline worker who could benefit from therapy during these difficult times, ask them to give a call on +91 8588875624 or write to us at hello@happeemindz.com